Espresso Gear Barista Flat Tamper 58 mm
- Uudistettu vuoden 2017 malli
- Pohja ruostumatonta terästä
- Kahva ruusupuuta
- Mukana säilytyspussi
Barista Flat Tamper, jossa on uusi muotoiltu pohja ja Espresso Gearin ruusupuinen kahva. Tulee kätevässä säilytyspussissa.
Kaikkien Espresso Gearin tuotteiden ruostumaton teräs on 100 % kierrätetty, joka tarkoittaa 80 %:n energiansäästöä.
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Lovely to hold and use
I love this tamper! It feels great and I gotta say the customer support from the creamashop team is simply amazing! I had a small scratch in the first one I received and they helped me out immediately and sent a new one and I just love that kind of customer service! I guess that’s the main reason why I keep in coming back to cremashop and that’s it totally due to the helpful and kind staff that really wants you as a customer to feel that you’ve gotten coffee gear that will improve your coffee making and that in my book is why I keep coming back here. ❤️☕️
G.B.Tamper 58mm
Fungerar väldigt bra, bra kvalité rakt igenom. Det enda jag inte gillade var att klarlacken på träknoppen var mattare än på bilden. Samt att det var en ”tinning” av lack som inte var så snygg.
PerEspresso Gear Barista Flat Tamper 58 mm
käns bra i handen , tung ..
Espresso Gear Barista Flat Tamper 58 mm
Very beautiful and ergonomic. Comfortable to use.