Cafelat Robot Regular Manual Espresso Maker

Cafelat Robot Regular Manual Espresso Maker, Red

359,00 € with VAT Free shipping for this product! (Finland)
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Delivery estimated between Friday 14.3. and Monday 17.3.

Variations (5)

  • Professional 58 mm stainless steel filter basket
  • Completely plastic-free
  • Handmade, assembled and tested in Hong Kong by Paul Pratt
  • All you need is ground coffee and some hot water from a kettle
Sales rank In Manual & Lever Espresso Machines

The Cafelat Robot Regular is a lever-style home espresso maker. By pushing down on levers, home brewers build up pressure inside the portafilter, dispersion screen, and basket. It uses few parts, no complicated electronics and only premium materials like stainless steel. All the parts for coffee are completely plastic free!

The water and coffee only contact stainless steel, a food grade silicone piston seal and a food grade silicone top pin of the filter screen. All components are tested for food safety. The main body is made from die-cast aluminium and powder coated but does not have any contact with the water or coffee.

What you need to make espresso

All you need is ground coffee, some hot water from a kettle and you are all set. The whole process is simple and takes just a few minutes - no need for any capsule machine and less plastic waste for the landfills.

VIDEO: How to brew espresso with the Robot (No Tamping):

YouTube Video

VIDEO: How Robot works inside the filter basket:

YouTube Video
  • Brand Cafelat
  • Product number 11270
  • EAN 4897028572987
  • Red

Inside the box

  • The main body of the Regular Robot with the arms and base assembled
  • 1 portafilter and 1 portafilter spout
  • 1 professional basket
  • 1 tamper
  • 1 stainless steel filter screen
  • 1 bag of filter paper as a replacement of filter screen
  • 1 silicone mat
  • Piston blanking plug and Teflon washer
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Laite toimii erinomaisesti. Sen toimintatapa sallii käyttäjän portaattomasti (käsi voimalla) säätää haluamansa kahvin. Lucaffe mr. Exclusive antaa hyvän maun ja runsaan creman Robot keittimessä. Arvokas keitin mutta hintansa arvoinen. Silikoni tiiviste täytynee vaihtaa määräajoin. Yksi vara tiiviste tuli laitteen mukana.


Tarvitsin kakkosasuntoon pienen manuaalimasiinan jolla syntyisi kelvollista espressoa. Yllätyksekseni tällä plus 1zpresso-myllyllä tulee yhtä hyvää kuin Olympia Creminallani, se käy nopeammin ja laitteen pitäminen puhtaana on helpompaa. Maitohan tällä ei vaahdotu mutta jos teet 1-2 shottia kerralla niin tämä on aivan huippu.

Lisäksi lystikkään näköinen ja tosi laadukkaasti valmistettu.


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