Contact us to learn more: [email protected], or call +358 10 322 4488.


Add value to your business by offering your customers new taste experiences and accessories for coffee and tea preparation. In Crema's range, you will find the most popular and timely coffees, teas, and accessories that add value to the current level of service. Crema's own import guarantees you high-quality products without forgetting competitive resale prices.

We import, among others, coffee from Lucaffé, Miscela d’Oro, Moka Sir’s, Pera Torrefazione and Mokaflor, as well as a wide range of accessories for coffee and tea preparation.

Contact by Email

[email protected]

Contact our sales by email. If you have any questions regarding an order, please include the order number.

Contact by Phone

+358 10 322 4488

You can also call us. We can help you in english, mon-fri 9 am to 3 pm EET.

Postal Address

Hankasuontie 11 B
00390 Helsinki

Kauppalehti Growth Company 2022
Kauppalehti Achievers 2021-2022
Finnish Online Shop
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