JoeFrex WDT Coffee Distribution Tool

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Sales rank In Coffee Tampers

The JoeFrex WDT (Weiss Distribution Technique) Coffee Distribution Tool is used by baristas and coffee enthusiasts to evenly distribute coffee grounds in a portafilter before tamping.

The WDT tool consists of a handle and a number of thin, needle-like prongs that are spaced evenly apart. To use the tool, the prongs are inserted into the coffee grounds in the portafilter, and then stirred in a circular motion to break up clumps and distribute the coffee evenly. This ensures that the water will flow evenly through the coffee grounds during the brewing process, leading to a more consistent and flavorful espresso shot.

One of the benefits of using the WDT tool is that it can help to reduce channeling, which occurs when water finds a path of least resistance through the coffee grounds and creates an uneven extraction.

  • Brand JoeFrex
  • Product number 11768
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Customer reviews

Too thick

The needles are way too thick. It's pretty much unusable. It moves chunks of coffee around instead of breaking through them. You could probably scoop coffee with this. I clipped the ends off a keyboard keycap puller and it works a lot better.

Hukkaa meni rahat tässä..

Ts. kun halvan ostaa, niin halvan saa. Ainahan se pitää paikkansa. Ostin korvatakseni omatekemän, joka on shamppapullon korkki, jossa on viisi ohutta neulaa. Se vaan tekee suvereenisti tasaisemman jaon kuin tämä, jossa on liian paksut langat liian tiuhassa..

JoeFrex WDT Coffee Distribution Tool

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JoeFrex WDT Coffee Distribution Tool

Turhan paksut piikit.

Ajaa asiansa

Ihan ok WDT työkalu hinta/laatusuhteeltaan. Omaan makuun hieman liian paksut piikit ja puuosa tuntuu hieman karkeahkolta kädessä.

Ei tasoita

Työkaluna ei toimi, koska piikit ovat liian paksuja, eikä tasoita kahvia yhtä hyvin kuin esim. akupunktioneulat.

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Inget att klaga på då jag ej provat något alternativ som finns att jämföra min åsikt om denna med.

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