Gringo Nordic Rwanda Nyamurinda Red Bourbon 250 g Coffee Beans

10,90 € with VAT
43,60 € / kg
Stock status:
In stock
Delivery estimated between Friday 14.3. and Monday 17.3.
  • Fruity, juicy, creamy
  • Location: Nyamasheke, Rwanda
  • Type: Red bourbon
  • Height: 1800 meters
  • Cultivation: Family farming
  • Processing: Washed
  • Drying: Shade for 4 weeks
  • Harvest period: June-July

Single Origin

Sisters Francine & Immaculate run a coffee farm & processing station in western Rwanda that is admirably maintained.

The sisters actively support female family farmers in the region and have also ensured that all important positions at the washing station are held by women. The coffee is not organically certified, but all coffee is grown naturally and neither artificial fertilizers nor pesticides are used, so by definition this is an organically grown coffee.

Rwanda Nyamurinda is apricot-fruity, creamy and very balanced in character.

  • Drip coffee
  • Whole coffee beans
  • 250 g
  • 100 % Arabica
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Customer reviews

Nuts/earthy smell

It was not fresh when it got delivered to me (-2 months or something), and almost did not foam (bloom).

The taste profile is quite muddy, nutty, and earthy whereas the description says "Balanced, yellow fruit, creamy".

(V60 and AeroPress)


Ensimmäiset jauhatukset ja kupposet sujuivat ilman yllätyksiä, eli kahvi oli odotetun laista. Kun säädin jauhatusta hieman hienommaksi ja tein pienen muutoksen mittoihin, niin sain parasta kahvia vähään aikaan.
On kuitenkin hyvin tarkka tästä, ihan samaan makuelämykseen emme toiste päässeet vaikka teimme loput kahvit tästä pavusta aina samoilla säädöillä.

Gringo Nordic Rwanda Nyamurinda Red Bourbon 250 g Coffee Beans

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